SensiML - Making Sense of Sensor Data

Registering Accounts with SensiML

About SensiML Teams

A team consists of all the users who have access to your projects on SensiML servers. You will have one or more team admin(s) who can manage the users who have access to your team.

Adding New Accounts To Your Team

If you are the team admin, you can add accounts to your team by going to

Once you login, you will see this Home screen. Under Data Manager → 'Team members' click 'Add' :

You will be taken to the Add team member screen (below). Here you will be able to add a new team member. After you have filled out the fields click 'Save'

Note: When you create a new account you will create a temporary password for the account. Make a note of this password and send it to your user. (Your user does not automatically get sent an email) They can change their password at

After you add the account you will be taken to the account edit screen. Scroll down to permissions and add all of the permissions to the account except TeamAdmin

Click Save at the bottom of the page